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Cardio classes are fun and challenging workouts. These low, medium, and high-intensity exercise classes are specifically designed for cardiovascular conditioning.
Skill level: Basic, Intermediate, & Advanced Classes Available
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Cardio & Core Class is a class that combines cardio activity with core strengthening exercises. Cardio components may include short distance runs or in studio drills and ore activities will consist of a variety of full body core stabilizing activities to abdominal & oblique specific strength training.
Experience a full-body workout that targets all the major muscle groups of the body. Each class brings its own unique challenges for cardiovascular stamina, core strength and flexibility.
Cycle & Core class is a class that combines cardio activity with core strengthening exercises. Indoor cycling drills will challenge your cardiovascular system while focusing on core stabilization. We'll finish the workout off the bike with dedicated core strengthening exercises.
Group Fight class is for anyone wanting a challenging, athletic, and motivating workout using explosive, electric, and thrilling MMA moves for a great cardio experience that also strengthens the entire body. It’s a great way to add variety to your training and improve timing, precision, and focus.
Aerobics is baaack! Bigger, better & higher! Come check out the fitness craze that's getting everyone addicted to exercise! Aerobic interval training with cardio peaks and toning tracks set to music you know and L-O-V-E! A fitness class that is easy to follow and a total blast!
A high energy class which combines muscle conditioning with kickboxing combinations of punches and kicks in a variety of drills and exercises.
One day special event class! Check out our Special Instructions for additional information.
This class utilizes The Step ® - a portable platform with height adjustable risers. Participants will learn choreographed exercise routines up, onto, down and around The Step ® for great cardio fitness, as well as exceptional training to shape the lower body.
TurboKick® is a combination of intense kickboxing moves, as well as, dance moves all perfectly choreographed to high energy and motivating turbo kick music. It's the ultimate cardiovascular challenge that's a unique blend of intense intervals and fun!
This is a revamp of traditional step aerobics and includes routines set to old and new school hip hop that makes you want to get up and move while getting a great caloric burn!