Program Overview
At the Y, we know that reading proficiently by the end of third grade is a critical milestone for youth– 96% of children who read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade graduate high school. Conversely, students who are not reading proficiently are four times more likely to drop out of high school. The YMCA of Greater Charlotte has partnered with local school districts for over 25 years to offer the Y Readers program. Although Y Readers has evolved and increased in scale, the program has remained focused on reducing summer learning loss, helping more students read on grade level, and closing the achievement gap between subgroups of students.
Student Selection
Y Readers works closely with leaders in local school districts to identify schools and students with the greatest need for the program. Y Readers serves students in kindergarten through 3rd grade who are reading below grade level and would benefit from additional literacy support during out-of-school time hours. In order to enroll, students must attend the host school and be recommended for the program by their principal or classroom teachers based on reading scores.
Y Readers provides literacy instruction focused on the foundational skills students need to read proficiently, including phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students participate in a daily minimum of 2.5 hours of literacy instruction during the summer program and 90 minutes during the afterschool program. With a maximum 1:6 ratio, our teachers and instructional assistants are able to provide small-group, differentiated instruction. We encourage reading at home and provide books to build home libraries.
In addition to literacy instruction, students also participate in a variety of enrichment activities during the summer program. Core activities include character development, physical activity, art, games, and off-site experiences. Weekly field trips during the summer provide opportunities for students to swim at Y branches and explore parts of the city outside of their own neighborhoods. The Y provides bus transportation and meals in partnership with local school districts.
For more information about the program, click here to view our 2023-2024 White Pages.
For the afterschool 2023-2024 program, 96% of students improved or maintained literacy classifications. For summer 2024, 86% of students improved or maintained literacy classifications.
To learn more about Y Readers outcomes, click here to view our annual impact report.
For more information please contact:

Summer Literacy Infusion
Summer Literacy Infusion (SLI) is designed to mitigate summer learning loss by providing opportunities for elementary-age students to practice literacy skills at camp, build home libraries, and develop an enjoyment of reading.

Give to Y Readers
The YMCA is able to offer Y Readers programming at no cost to families thanks to the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations who contribute to the YMCA Annual Campaign.
Volunteer with Y Readers
The YMCA recruits and trains community members to serve as reading buddies during the summer. Volunteers commit to read with students for one hour each week.