To help you plan, just click on the calendar icon to add the class to your phone or desktop calendar such as Outlook or Google Calendar.
Plan on arriving fifteen minutes before the start of the class.
Cost: Free with Paid Membership
About Cardio Dance
A variety of dance styles and music genres with high energy moves for a total body workout through dance! If you can move, you can groove! Great for all fitness levels!
Utilizes different muscle groups
Improves coordination and rhythm
Tones your muscles
Can improve your mood
Breaks workout monotony
Boosts your metabolism
Cardio Dance Class Preparation
New to class? Arrive a little early so our instructor can give you some pointers .
Alert your instructor of any injuries so they can provide modification options.
Focus on fun! Don’t worry about perfection.
There are currently no classes scheduled for this time period.
Special Instructions: ${event.Data.SpecialInstructions | specialInstructions}
Fee Based This class is full ${event.Data.ReservableCapacity - event.Data.CurrentReservations} Spots Left
This class is currently full.Cannot reserve a class while membership ${event.Data.MembershipStatus}.Another class already booked for this time.This class is in progress and no longer bookable.This class is not reservable until ${event.Data.ReservationWindow} hours before.