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YMCA Group Exercise
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${ hour.Name }
${event.Date.TimeFrom | formatTime} - ${event.Date.TimeTo | formatTime} (${event.Date.Duration})
(Sub)${event.Data.InstructorName} ${event.Date.DOW} in ${event.Data.LocationName}
${event.Data.Intensity} Intensity
${event.Data.Level} Skill
Special Instructions: ${event.Data.SpecialInstructions | specialInstructions}
Fee Based This class is full ${event.Data.ReservableCapacity - event.Data.CurrentReservations} Spots Left
This class is currently full.Cannot reserve a class while membership ${event.Data.MembershipStatus}.Another class already booked for this time.This class is in progress and no longer bookable.This class is not reservable until ${event.Data.ReservationWindow} hours before.${event.Date.TimeFrom | formatTime}Any Time(${event.Data.Duration})
Click here for the music playlist ${event.Data.Intensity} Intensity
${event.Data.Level} Skill
Special Instructions: ${event.Data.SpecialInstructions | specialInstructions}
Coming Soon
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Online Live Recorded
${event.Date.DOW} in ${event.Data.LocationName}
Cancelled${event.Date.TimeFrom | formatTime} - ${ event.Date.TimeTo | formatTime} (${event.Date.Duration})
${event.Date.DOW} in ${event.Data.LocationName}
${event.Date.TimeFrom | formatTime} - ${ event.Date.TimeTo | formatTime} (${event.Date.Duration})