3801 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28216 | Directions
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3801 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28216
Today: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Today's Hours

Branch: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Best Buy Teen Tech Center: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Branch Tour: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Drop-In Child Care: Closed
Gymnasium: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Indoor Pool: 7:00 am - 4:45 pm
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  3. McCrorey Family YMCA
  4. Volunteer Projects

McCrorey YMCA Volunteer Projects

At the Y, we believe that when people come together for a common cause, the whole community is strengthened. When you become a volunteer, you have the opportunity to share your blessings with those who need it most. Volunteering with the YMCA is powerful because you’re not just joining a mission, you’re joining a community of like minded people who want to make a difference. There are so many exciting and meaningful ways to get involved and volunteer at the Y. Branch projects are listed below, if you are interested in projects going on throughout our association, Click Here.


Volunteer Projects

McCrorey YMCA - Best Buy Teen Tech Center Volunteer

The Best Buy Teen Tech Center will be open to teens 13-18 during after school hours. Volunteers will help teens use various technology, design and complete projects and have fun while learning! The BBTTC is equipped with a full sound studio, 3-D printers, professional grade cameras an editing equipment. This opportunity will be located at the McCrorey YMCA in the new Best Buy Teen Center. As a volunteer at the Best Buy Teen Tech Center, you will play a crucial role in fostering an engaging and supportive environment for teenagers to explore technology, develop digital skills, and unleash their creativity. You will work closely with Teen Tech Center staff to assist in various activities and programs aimed at empowering young people through technology. Volunteer Types: Drop In - Come spend time in the center and with the teens as your schedule allows. Workshop/Event - Come present to the teens on a topic that you’re passionate about. Mentor - Impact the life of a teen through mentorship (3 month commitment).

#Community #Social Responsibility #Teen Leadership #Teens #Y Achievers #Youth Development

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