8100 Old Mallard Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC 28262 | Directions
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8100 Old Mallard Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC 28262
Today: 5:00 am - 9:00 pm

Today's Hours

Branch: 5:00 am - 9:00 pm
Drop-In Child Care: Closed
Gymnasium: 5:00 am - 9:00 pm
Indoor Pool: 6:00 am - 8:45 pm
Water Park: Closed
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  4. Volunteer Projects

Keith Family YMCA Volunteer Projects

At the Y, we believe that when people come together for a common cause, the whole community is strengthened. When you become a volunteer, you have the opportunity to share your blessings with those who need it most. Volunteering with the YMCA is powerful because you’re not just joining a mission, you’re joining a community of like minded people who want to make a difference. There are so many exciting and meaningful ways to get involved and volunteer at the Y. Branch projects are listed below, if you are interested in projects going on throughout our association, Click Here.


Volunteer Projects

Keith Family YMCA Miracle League Volunteers

Our YMCA Miracle League volunteers will help in a variety of ways on game days! We need volunteers to help coach, serve as a buddy for the YMCA Miracle League teams, work concessions, help announce the game and greeters. Coaches will guide teams to success by teaching participants baseball game-play, helping enhance their social skills and instill confidence in their abilities. Player buddies will assist team members on field and during game play.

#Families #People with Disabilities #Social Responsibility

Y Readers Program - Governors' Village STEM Academy

Did you know that during the summer break, the average student loses about two months of reading skills learned the prior school year? The Y Readers program is committed to stopping that “summer slide” from happening, specifically as it relates to Pre-K-3rd grade students becoming strong readers. You can help stop the summer slide by becoming a Y Readers Book Buddy! Book buddies read with children in our literacy program for 4 weeks (1 hour each week) to help them build confidence and fluency in their reading. We’ll provide everything you need to read with your buddy. We hope you’ll join us as we work to make a difference in the lives of children in our community. Important: Book buddies should pick the day of the week that works best for them. The day you select will remain your day of the week for all 4 weeks.

#Children & Youth #Education & Literacy #Youth Development #Y Readers

Y Readers Program - Statesville Road Elementary

Did you know that during the summer break, the average student loses about two months of reading skills learned the prior school year? The Y Readers program is committed to stopping that “summer slide” from happening, specifically as it relates to Pre-K-3rd grade students becoming strong readers. You can help stop the summer slide by becoming a Y Readers Book Buddy! Book buddies read with children in our literacy program for 4 weeks (1 hour each week) to help them build confidence and fluency in their reading. We’ll provide everything you need to read with your buddy. We hope you’ll join us as we work to make a difference in the lives of children in our community. Important: Book buddies should pick the day of the week that works best for them. The day you select will remain your day of the week for all 4 weeks.

#Children & Youth #Education & Literacy #Youth Development #Y Readers

Keith Family YMCA - Adaptive Programs

Our Keith YMCA is looking for volunteers to help in our Adaptive Programs such as Basketball, Cheerleading, Dance and Swimming. These programs serve individuals with disabilities and offer them inclusive ways of getting involved in programs.

#Diverse abilities/Special Needs #People with Disabilities

There are currently no volunteering projects available in this area.